
07 April 2024

An Arminian’s Appeal to All Humankind: Resist the Beast

Dear reader:

        Refuse, unto death, to bow or pay homage to the Beast and the Beast system. This includes refusing any and all jabs or ‘vaccinations’ care of the tyrannical, Satanic State. The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords, very God of very God, and all bodies belong to him, for he is the Creator and Sustainer of all things; all things were created through him and for him. (See John 1.1; Colossians 1.15–17; Revelation 19.16.)


J. D. Gallé
Sunday, 7 April 2024

07 October 2023

Proclamation of the Victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over Evil; and, a Word of Warning to the Wicked

Table of contents

1.  Proclamation of the victory of Jesus Christ over evil
2.  A warning to the wicked
3.  Christ shall vindicate and avenge the oppressed

J. D. Gallé | Saturday, 7 October 2023

1.  Proclamation of the victory of Jesus Christ over evil

  • The Lord Jesus Christ has defeated the powers of evil and darkness already.
  • Evil shall not win.
  • The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ cleanses from every and all sin, for those believing in him.
  • Jesus Christ is King, and has all power and authority in heaven and on earth.
  • I rebuke all the powers of darkness, evil humans, and evil spirits who have arrayed themselves against me, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and command you to depart from my presence immediately, and go wheresoever the Lord Jesus Christ sends you.
  • No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgement, shall be condemned.
  • All the emissaries of the Evil One, human and non-human, individually and collectively, from whatsoever agency or society, I command you to depart from my presence now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • All workers of iniquity without exception shall be condemned to the lake of fire.
  • All forms of witchcraft and sorcery are an abomination to Yahweh God.
  • The Lord Jesus Christ has defeated evil decisively through his death, burial, and resurrection approximately two thousand years ago, and he shall return to fully reclaim the world as his kingdom.
  • All evil shall be everlastingly expunged from the new heavens, new earth, and new Jerusalem, the everlasting kingdom of God the Father and his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2.  A warning to the wicked

        To those human beings for whom it is yet possible to turn away from evil, who have not committed the sin against the Holy Spirit that shall not be forgiven in this age or the age to come, turn immediately from your wickedness; seek and follow the Lord Jesus Christ in order that you may be delivered from the wrath to come.
        If you are set against the people of God, the brothers and sisters of the Lord Jesus, you are an enemy of God and shall be judged as his enemy, suffering the retribution of age-lasting destruction.
        The wrath and curse of God remain upon all those who love evil and lawlessness. Those who have despised the Lord Jesus Christ and his ways shall be banished into the age-lasting fire and age-lasting punishment, when the Lord Jesus returns as King with all his holy angels to judge the nations in justice on a day God the Father has designated.

3.  Christ shall vindicate and avenge the oppressed

        The Lord Jesus Christ is the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is a God of vengeance and wrath, and shall avenge the suffering, oppression, and blood of his holy ones.
        The wicked and lawless, that is, the children of the Devil, the False Accuser, the Slanderous One, are those who have taken pleasure in harming, hindering, raping, abusing, oppressing, trafficking, enslaving, torturing, and murdering the holy, innocent, and vulnerable since the foundation of the world.
        The end of the children of the Slanderer is in the lake of fire, wherein they shall be cast along with their god and father, Satan, the Adversary.
        The Lord Jesus Christ shall avenge and repay all workers of iniquity in full in accordance with their evil, wickedness, and love of unrighteousness.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023, 2024. All rights reserved.

        The above piece is an expanded version of my original article, ‘The Powers of Darkness Cannot and Will Not Prevail against the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of All’ (21 Jan. 2023).

Latest revision(s): added a paragraph break (7 Jun. 2024); added a comma in one place (16 Oct. 2024).

19 August 2023

The Lord Jesus Christ Is above Every Authority, Detestation of Tyrants Notwithstanding

J. D. Gallé | Saturday, 19 August 2023

        The Lord Jesus Christ usurps every form of evil, Satanic, illegitimate governmental authority. Human rights are rights indeed, having their basis on the creatorship and lordship of Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords (Revelation 19.16; cp. 17.14), Thus, human rights are not  ‘privileges’ which may be granted or revoked at the whim of the State or any tyrannical regime, irrespective of the megalomaniacal beliefs of men and women occupying positions of authority.
        Allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ carries with it the implication that allegiants, that is, those whose supreme loyalty lies with the King, must refuse to acquiesce, blindly obey, and bow before the unlawful, oppressive dictates of those who, through manipulation, propaganda, terror, deception, coercion, and violence, trample upon the consciences, rights, and dignity of human beings.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

Latest revision(s): capitalised one term (24 Nov. 2023).

10 August 2023

The Reason for My Being

J. D. Gallé | Thursday, 10 August 2023

        There may be much for which I might rightfully be ashamed throughout the course of my life, but not the Lord Jesus Christ. He is the reason for my being. His blood makes me clean. He is Creator, Redeemer, and King – the King of kings and Lord of lords, unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

31 July 2023

Gang-stalking, Mind Control, and Cults: Eric T. Karlstrom Sounds the Alarm on Stealth Weaponry, the Extra-judicial Targeting of Civilians/Non-combatants, Covert Electronic Torture and Harassment, Non-consensual Experimentation, and Systematic Stalking as Emergent, Worldwide Phenomena

J. D. Gallé | Monday, 31 July 2023 – Thursday, 3 August 2023

Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which Yahweh God had made.  (Genesis 3.1, LSB*)

The great dragon was thrown down—the ancient serpent, the one called the Devil and Satan, the one who leads the whole inhabited earth astray—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.  (Revelation 12.9, EHV)

        The non-complacent reader is urged to see the following link in order to visit the official website of Eric T. Karlstrom, wherein the abysmal phenomena indicated in the title of this article (and much more) are documented and explicated in detail:

        *  Legacy Standard Bible (2021).
        †  Evangelical Heritage Version (2019).

Original content copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

Latest revision(s): revised one word in title of article (14 Oct. 2023); modified formatting (10 Sept. 2024).

26 July 2023

John 3.16–21, 35–36: a Remonstrant’s Revised Rendering (or, an Alternate Arminian Translation)

J. D. Gallé | Wednesday, 26 July 2023

v. 16    For in this manner God loved the world, that he bestowed his Son, the only begotten One, in order that everyone believing into him might not be completely destroyed, but might be having life of the age.

v. 17    For God did not send forth the Son into the world in order that he might pass sentence upon the world, but in order that the world might be rescued through him.

v. 18    The one believing into him is not having the sentence passed upon him. But the one not believing even now has had the sentence passed upon him, because he has not believed into the name of the only begotten Son of God.

v. 19    And this is the sentence: that the Light has come into the world, and the people loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their works were evil.

v. 20    For everyone practising worthless things is hating the Light, and is not coming towards the Light, in order that his works might not be discovered.

v. 21    But the one doing the truth is coming towards the Light, in order that his works might be made visible, because they are having been worked in God.


v. 35    The Father is loving the Son, and has bestowed all things in his hand.  

v. 36    The one believing into the Son is having life of the age. But the one refusing to be persuaded by the Son shall not see life – rather, the indignation of God is dwelling upon him.

 (John 3.16–21, 35–36, A Remonstrant’s Rendering)

Original translation copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.


Addendum on ‘life of the age’ (vv. 16 and 36).
The phrase, ζωὴ αἰώνιος, zōē aiōnios, typically translated ‘eternal life’ or ‘everlasting life’, I have elected to render as ‘life of the age’. Alternatively, the phrase may be rendered ‘age-lasting life’ or ‘age-long life’.

Addenda A and B: alternative renderings of ζωὴ αἰώνιος in John 3.16, 36.*

A.  Age-lasting life.

v. 16    For in this manner God loved the world, that he bestowed his Son, the only begotten One, in order that everyone believing into him might not be completely destroyed, but might be having age-lasting life.

v. 36    The one believing into the Son is having age-lasting life. But the one refusing to be persuaded by the Son shall not see life – rather, the indignation of God is dwelling upon.

B.  Aeon-lasting life.

v. 16    For in this manner God loved the world, that he bestowed his Son, the only begotten One, in order that everyone believing into him might not be completely destroyed, but might be having aeon-lasting life.

v. 36    The one believing into the Son is having aeon-lasting life. But the one refusing to be persuaded by the Son shall not see life – rather, the indignation of God is dwelling upon him.

C.  Audio reading.  For an audio reading of my rendering of the scriptural passage featured in this article (namely Jn 3.16–21, 35–36), see the links to the following web pages (links shall redirect to video presentations on my YouTube channel, @neoremonstrance, and Bitchute channel, neoremonstrance, respectively):

        *  Addenda A, B, and C have been added on Tuesday, 22 August 2023. Emended Addendum C on Wednesday, 27 September 2023.

Addenda and original translation copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

10 July 2023

Romans 1.16–18: a Remonstrant’s Rendering (Slightly Revised Rendition)

J. D. Gallé | Monday, 10 July 2023

v. 16    For I am not disgraced by the good news of Christ, for it is God’s power resulting in salvation for everyone believing – both to Jew first, as well as to Greek.

v. 17    For in it God’s righteousness is being disclosed by faith, resulting in faith, just as it is has been written: ‘Now the righteous one, by faith, shall live’.

v. 18    For God’s indignation is being disclosed from heaven against every kind of irreverence and unrighteousness of human beings, the ones restraining the truth in unrighteousness. 
(Romans 1.16–18, A Remonstrant’s Rendering)

Original translation copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

Addendum concerning verse 17b (24 Jul. 2023).

Alternatively, ‘Now the righteous one shall live by faith’.

23 June 2023

Romans 1.16–18: a Remonstrant’s Rendering

J. D. Gallé | Friday, 23 June 2023

v. 16    For I am not disgraced by the good news of Christ, for it is God’s power resulting in salvation for everyone believing – both to Jew first, as well as to Greek.

v. 17    For in it God’s justice is being unveiled by faith, resulting in faith, just as it is has been written: ‘Now the just one, by faith, shall live’.

v. 18    For God’s indignation is being unveiled from heaven against every kind of irreverence and injustice of human beings, the ones restraining the truth in injustice. 
(Romans 1.1618, A Remonstrant’s Rendering) 

Original translation copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

Addendum concerning verse 17b (24 Jul. 2023).

Alternatively, ‘Now the just one shall live by faith’.

05 June 2023

Bodily Autonomy and Illegitimate Governmental Authority

J. D. Gallé | Monday, 5 June 2023

        No person, corporation, organisation, government, or legislative body has the right to mandate vaccinations or implantations in the human body; nor do they possess the right to forcibly inject vaccines, or place or implant devices (or technology of any kind), overtly or covertly, in or upon the bodies of non-consenting human beings.
        The follower of Jesus Christ, who alone is King of kings and Lord of lords, must ever oppose the evil and tyranny of illegitimate authority by, firstly, exposing it, and secondly, refusing compliance to ordinances which violate bodily integrity and the conscience of the individual human being, who has been created in the image and likeness of God, the Creator of heaven and earth, things visible and invisible.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

02 May 2023

Loving the World Is Clinging to a Sinking Ship

J. D. Gallé | Tuesday, 2 May 2023

And this is the testimony: that God gave us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. The one having the Son has the life. The one not having the Son of God does not have the life. 
(1 John 5.11–12, DLNT[1])

        If one does not have the Lord Jesus Christ, one has nothing. For everything in this evil, Satanic world-system is passing out of existence. All its pleasures, pursuits, and riches are soon to vanish, as are those who seek to serve it and its desires.[2] Erelong, the first things shall be no more.[3]
        True life is to be found only in the Son of God. It is the one abiding in Jesus Christ, the one doing the will of God, who shall remain for the age to come, which is everlasting and enduring.[4]

        1. Michael J. Magill, Disciples’ Literal New Testament: Serving Modern Disciples by More Fully Reflecting the Writing Style of the Ancient Disciples (Reyma Publishing, 2011). <https://literalnewtestament.com/>
        2. See 1 John 2.15–17; 5.19.
        3. See Revelation 21.4d.
        4. See 1 John 2.17, 24.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.