What follows is the table of contents for the recently released festschrift, Matthew Steven Bracey and W. Jackson Watts (eds), The Promise of Arminian Theology: Essays in Honor of F. Leroy Forlines (Nashville, TN: Randall House, 2016).[1] Included are the names of the various essayists and comprehensive chapter pagination.
Introduction: Celebrating a Hero of the Free Will Baptist Faith | Matthew Steven Bracey (pp. 1–4)
Part 1[2]: Prolegomena
1. The Theological Method of Forlines | Andrew Ball (pp. 7–25)
2. Worldview and Culture in the Thought of Forlines | Phillip T. Morgan (pp. 27–51)
Part 2: Understanding the Gospel
3. Election and the Influence and Response Model of Personality | Kevin L. Hester (pp. 55–80)
4. Forlines’s Theology of Atonement and Justification | Jesse F. Owens (pp. 81–100)
5. Sanctification and Spirituality | Barry Raper (pp. 101–120)
6. Leaving Jesus: Forlines’s View of Conditional Perseverance | David Outlaw (pp. 121–139)
7. Forlinesean Eschatology: A Progressive Covenantal Approach | Matthew McAffee (pp. 140–170)
Part 3: Ethics, Culture, and the Church
8. Building a Forlinesean Ethic | W. Jackson Watts (pp. 173–197)
9. Confronting Secularism | Matthew Steven Bracey (pp. 199–222)
10. Communicating the Gospel: The Church’s Mission and Ministry | Christopher Talbot (pp. 223–245)
11. Understanding and Helping People | Edward E. Moody, Jr (pp. 247–266)
Part 4: Personal Tributes
F. Leroy and Fay Forlines: A Tribute to Our Parents | James Forlines and Jon Forlines (pp. 269–275)
F. Leroy Forlines as a Colleague and Friend | Robert E. Picirilli (pp. 277–283)
F. Leroy Forlines as Mentor | J. Matthew Pinson (pp. 285–290)
Conclusion: Forlines and the Future | W. Jackson Watts (pp. 291–293)
Acknowledgments | Matthew Steven Bracey and W. Jackson Watts (p. 295)
Contributors (pp. 297–300)
Subject and Name Index (pp. 301–311)
1. The occasion for this post arose for the simple reason that, at the time of this writing (7 Sept. 2016), I have been unable to locate either a preview or a table of contents for The Promise of Arminian Theology on the publisher’s website (Randall House) or any other major online book retailer in North America (e.g. Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Christianbook). The information contained in this post will be useful for prospective purchasers of this volume.2. I have taken it upon myself to replace Roman numerals with Arabic numerals. (As an aside, this volume [disappointingly] contains endnotes rather than footnotes.)
Original content copyright © J. D. Gallรฉ, 2016. All rights reserved.
In order to purchase a copy of Bracey et al. (eds), The Promise of Arminian Theology (2016),* see the links to the following websites:
Addendum (24 Sept. 2022). Franklin Leroy Forlines (1926–2020) died on Tuesday, 15 December 2020, aged ninety-four.
* Unless otherwise indicated, I do not earn commissions (or favours, for that matter) for the purchase of books recommended or referenced on this website. For further information, see my web page, ‘A Word on The Neo-Remonstrance Blog’.