
27 June 2019

The Table of Contents for ‘Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology’ (2018)

J. D. Gallรฉ | Thursday, 27 June 2019

        What follows is the table of contents for the twenty-chapter, four hundred–plus-page, multi-essay, multi-contributor volume, edited by Martin F. Hanna, Darius W. Jankiewicz, and John W. Reeve, Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology (Berrien Springs, MI: Andrews University Press, 2018).[1] The names of the various essayists and comprehensive chapter (and index) pagination are included.

Introduction (pp. ix–xiii) 
Section 1 | God’s Plan in Christ: Is Salvation for Everyone? (p. 1) 
1. History of the Relationship among Human Free Will, God’s Character of Love, and the Great Controversy | Nicholas P. Miller (pp. 3–18)
2. Love at War: The Cosmic Controversy | Norman R. Gulley (pp. 19–32)
3. Foreknowledge and the Freedom of Salvation | Martin F. Hanna (pp. 33–59)
4. Divine Election and Predestination: A Biblical Perspective | Hans K. LaRondelle and John K. McVay (pp. 61–88) 
Section 2 | The Sin Problem: Are Humans Born in Need of a Savior? (pp. 89–90) 
5. Sin and Human Nature: Historical Background | Darius W. Jankiewicz (pp. 91–117)
6. Origin of Sin and Salvation according to Genesis 3: A Theology of Sin | Jiล™รญ Moskala (pp. 119–143)
7. The Nature of Sin: Understanding Its Character and Complexity | Roy Adams (pp. 145–157)
8. The Sinful Nature and Spiritual Inability | George R. Knight (pp. 159–171) 
Section 3 | Jesus Saves: A Perfect Solution? (pp. 173–174) 
9. Historical and Theological Background of the Doctrine of Atonement | Denis Fortin (pp. 175–188)
10. Atonement: Accomplished at the Cross | Jon Paulien (pp. 189–220)
11. The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus Christ on Humanity’s Behalf in the Heavenly Sanctuary | Jiล™รญ Moskala (pp. 221–240)
12. At-one-ment Forever in God’s New Heaven and New Earth | Roy E. Gane (pp. 241–258) 
Section 4 | Amazing Grace: Can Believers Earn Their Salvation? (pp. 259–260) 
13. Grace: A Brief History | John W. Reeve (pp. 261–299)
14. The Grace That Comes before Saving Grace | George R. Knight (pp. 287–299)
15. The Grace That Justifies and Sanctifies | Ivan T. Blazen (pp. 301–313)
16. The Grace of Christian Perfection | Hans K. LaRondelle and Woodrow W. Whidden (pp. 315–323) 
Section 5 | Blessed Assurance: Can Believers Be Sure about Their Salvation? (p. 325) 
17. From the Apostles to Adventism: A Brief History of Assurance | Jerry Moon and Abner Hernandez-Fernandez (pp. 327–359)
18. Wind and the “Holy Wind”: Divine Assurance of Salvation | Jo Ann Davidson (pp. 361–374)
19. Assurance of Salvation: The Dynamics of Christian Experience | Woodrow W. Whidden (pp. 375–394)
20. Assurance in the Judgment | Richard M. Davidson (pp. 395–416) 
Epilogue (pp. 417–418)
Contributors (pp. 419–420)
Scripture Index (pp. 421–442) 
Subject Index (pp. 443–464)


        1. At the time of this writing (27 Jun. 2019), neither the publisher of this volume (Andrews University Press) nor any large online book retailer, to the best of my knowledge, yet has a comprehensive table of contents listed for Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology (2018), a year past its original publication date.

Original content copyright © J. D. Gallรฉ, 2019. All rights reserved.

In order to purchase a copy of AUP’s Salvation: Contours of Adventist Soteriology (2018),* see the following links:

* Unless otherwise indicated, I do not earn commissions (or favours, for that matter) for the purchase of books recommended or referenced on this website. For further information, see my web page, ‘A Word on The Neo-Remonstrance Blog’.