Certain Articles to Be Diligently Examined and Weighed:
Because Some Controversy Has Arisen concerning Them among Even Those Who Profess the Reformed Religion.
I. —On the Scripture and Human Traditions.
Because Some Controversy Has Arisen concerning Them among Even Those Who Profess the Reformed Religion.
I. —On the Scripture and Human Traditions.
2. The Scriptures are the rule of all Divine Verity, from themselves, in themselves, and through themselves: And it is a rash assertion, “that they indeed are the rule, but only when understood according to the meaning of the Confession of the Dutch Churches, or when explained by the interpretation of the Heidelberg Catechism.”
3. No writing composed by men,—by one man, by few men, or by many,—(with the exception of the Holy Scriptures,) is either […], “credible of itself,” or […], “of itself deserving of implicit credence,” and, therefore, is not exempted from an examination to be instituted by means of the Scriptures.
4. It is a thoughtless assertion, “that the Confession and Catechism are called in question, when they are subjected to examination:” For they have never been placed beyond the hazard of being called in doubt, nor can they be so placed.
5. It is tyrannical and Popish to bind the consciences of men by human writings, and to hinder them from being submitted to a legitimate examination, under what pretext soever such tyrannical conduct is adopted.
Jacobus Arminius, ‘Certain Articles to Be Diligently Examined and Weighed’, in The Works of James Arminius, trans. James Nichols and William Nichols, London edn, 3 vols. (repr., Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1986), 2.706, emphases in original
Addendum. The complete, three-volume set, The Works of Arminius,* is no longer in print via Beacon Hill Press or Baker Books. However, Randall House Publications have reprinted the set, along with a new introduction by Free Will Baptist theologian, Stephen M. Ashby.
In order to view or purchase the aforementioned set, see the following link to Randall House’s online shop:
* Unless otherwise indicated, I do not earn commissions (or favours, for that matter) for the purchase of books recommended or referenced on this website. For further information, see my web page, ‘A Word on The Neo-Remonstrance Blog’.
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