
29 January 2023

Christ-unlikeness: a Remonstrant’s Rumination

J. D. Gallé | Monday, 30 January 2023

        I shall be determined to know the Lord Jesus Christ and become more like him. And if I realise how little I am like him in my present condition, however feebly, perhaps my peregrination shall soon commence.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

21 January 2023

The Powers of Darkness Cannot and Will Not Prevail against the Lord Jesus Christ, Lord of All

J. D. Gallé | Saturday, 21 January 2023

  • The Lord Jesus Christ has defeated the powers of evil and darkness already.
  • Evil shall not win.
  • The blood of the Lord Jesus Christ cleanses from every and all sin, for those believing in him.
  • Jesus Christ is King, and has all power and authority in heaven and on earth.
  • I rebuke all the powers of darkness, evil humans, and evil spirits who have arrayed themselves against me, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and command you to depart from my presence immediately, and go wheresoever the Lord Jesus Christ sends you.
  • No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgement, shall be condemned.
  • All the emissaries of the Evil One, human and non-human, individually and collectively, from whatsoever agency or society, I command you to depart from my presence now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • All workers of iniquity without exception shall be condemned to the lake of fire.
  • All forms of witchcraft and sorcery are an abomination to Yahweh God.
  • The Lord Jesus Christ has defeated evil decisively through his death, burial, and resurrection approximately two thousand years ago, and he shall return to fully reclaim the world as his kingdom.
  • All evil shall be everlastingly expunged from the new heavens, new earth, and new Jerusalem, the everlasting kingdom of God the Father and his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
        To those human beings for whom it is yet possible to turn away from evil, who have not committed the sin against the Holy Spirit that shall not be forgiven in this age or the age to come, turn immediately from your wickedness; seek and follow the Lord Jesus Christ in order that you may be delivered from the wrath to come.
        If you are set against the people of God, the brothers and sisters of the Lord Jesus, you are an enemy of God and shall be judged as his enemy, suffering the retribution of age-lasting destruction.
        The wrath and curse of God remain upon all those who love evil and lawlessness. Those who have despised the Lord Jesus Christ and his ways shall be banished into the age-lasting fire and age-lasting punishment when the Lord Jesus returns as King with all his holy angels to judge the nations in justice on a day God the Father has designated.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

Addendum (22 Mar. 2023; 29 Jul. 2023; 29 Sept. 2023).  For audio excerpts of this article, see the links to the following web pages (links shall redirect to video presentations on my YouTube channel, @neoremonstrance, and Bitchute channel, neoremonstrance, respectively):

03 January 2023

Sin-levelling, Abuse, Abusers, and Romans 3.23: a Remonstrant’s Repudiation of ‘Christianised’ Stupidity

J. D. Gallé | Tuesday, 3 January 2023

        Self-professed Christian counsellors who, whether in theory or practice, engage in sin-levelling, that is, the deceptive art of treating all manner of sins and sinners as more or less equal in nature, are neither wise nor fit to counsel. Human lives are placed in peril with the gross mishandling and misapplication of scripture by ill-qualified, albeit degreed and (possibly) well-intentioned, ‘professionals’.
        Persons who are properly identified as abusers are exceptionally hardened and evil sinners with exceptionally corrupted minds, who engage in exceptionally evil deception and evil deeds. The character of the abuser is nearer to that of the Evil One than the generality of lost humankind.
        In Romans 3.23, Paul the apostle testifies to the reality of universal Jewish and Gentile sinfulness and failure to honour God. Negatively, if one were to follow Paul’s line of thought from chapters one to three in his epistle to the Romans, it should be evident that the apostle is not arguing that all persons who have sinned are equal in terms of the magnitude of their guilt before God, or that all persons are equally morally depraved or equally hardened in their hearts. Such ideas are foreign to the context. Romans 3.23 should not be employed as a proof text, therefore, in service of the view that all sinners are essentially equal in terms of their badness or corruptness.
        Scripture neither permits nor demands of us that we divest ourselves of (un)common sense. In summary, of the concept of sin-levelling we may swiftly and unashamedly say no to ‘Christianised’ stupidity.

Copyright © J. D. Gallé, 2023. All rights reserved.

Addendum (4 Jan. 2023).  I make no personal claim of having either discovered the concept of ‘sin-levelling’ or coining the term. If anyone is aware of, or able to pinpoint via an accurate citation, the origin of the aforementioned expression, please apprise the readers (and me) in the comment section of this article (below).
        That said, it is likely that my awareness of the term first arose from the A Cry for Justice blog some years ago. See the link to the following web page: